Thursday, June 26, 2014

Liquid Chalk

 After we played with our solid chalk this week we were wondering if we could make a liquid chalk.  By combining water, corn starch, and food coloring we made Liquid Chalk.  We discovered it was very difficult to write with our liquid chalk.  We used sponges, sticks, leaves, and anything else we could find to write with our liquid chalk.  Some friends discoved that by adding more water the liquid chalk was easier to draw with.  Check out our discoveries here, Liquid Chalk.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Frozen Watercolors

We started our exploration or water this week with watercolor paints.  Yesterday we made our own liquid watercolors and painted with them. Then we predicted what might happen if we put our liquid watercolors in the freezer. When we got to school today we found out they had frozen and turned into a solid! We had a lot of fun painting with our colored ice cubes.


We have been learning to read in our literacy centers.  This week we started to read on our own as well.  We are doing a fantastic job pointing to each word!  This is a great thing to practice at home as well :)

Spirit Day: Thursday June, 26

To show our support for the U.S.A. World Cup Game tomorrow we are going to have a red, white, and blue soccer spirit day. Go U.S.A.!

Chalk Shapes

We were very excited to see the sun today after all of our rain and clouds!  We practiced drawing shapes, counting sides, and writing our names outside.  We used what was left of our frozen watercolors and got out the chalk for the first time.

Writing our names.

Helping each other write numbers for hopscotch.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Today we got to use the iPads for the first time! We learned what apps are and discussed the importance of using the iPad as a tool in the classroom. To help us explore the iPads we used an augmented reality app called Chromville. Miss Arnold printed off the Waterville pages and we each colored our own. When we finished coloring we used the free Chromville app to see our drawings come to life! By downloading the app at home you can see your child's creation come to life as well. We had a great time watching our drawings swim around and create bubbles. We then did some app smashing and used Pic Collage to import our Chromville pictures and write our names on them. Then we shared our pictures by e-mailing them to Miss Arnold.

Liquid vs. Solid

This week we learned all about liquids and solids. We discovered that solids hold their shapes like a block or a pencil. We learned that liquids fill the shape of their container like glue, or water. In our experiment we found that water, apple juice, lotion, and kinetic sand were all liquids. We discovered that blocks and pencils are both solids. Our discussion about kinetic sand was awesome! It had to be a liquid because we could not hold it in our hand and it changed shape on its own. We then discovered that if we just had 1 little piece of the sand it would keep its shape so, each individual piece of sand is a solid.